Posted on 22 December 2023

In a landmark year for staff development, both project and permanent staff members at the HIRD Group now enjoy equal access to tailored training programmes appropriate to their roles and the evolving needs of the business.

Training has always been integral part of TTS – putting time and investment into our staff is hugely important to us. Ever since we started, we have given our staff the opportunity to develop their skills in a way that benefits them and the business – whether that be pursuing a course alongside their job role or taking up a training initiative. To date, 25 staff members have taken up 57 different courses – a huge accolade in itself!

In the past 18 months, the training has ramped up even further and we are proud to be able to offer an even more expansive range of training options. From the coveted IOSH training to Forklift, lean manufacturing and Mental Health First Aid and First Aid training, there are countless initiatives in place to ensure the well-being and safety of our team – values that are written in our DNA and are apparent as soon as you set foot in the TTS building.

We’re also welcoming a new apprentice aboard in the coming weeks. Our longstanding apprenticeship schemes across the HIRD Group have been highly successful over the years, and we take great pride in being able to provide valuable experience to emerging talent.

For more news updates on what TTS has been up to, take a look at our blog on welcome to the new TTS.